Why it’s time to stop thinking of ‘digital’ as a channel

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 | Michelle Urwin - VP Marketing, Skai

Michelle Urwin, VP Marketing at Skai, 解释说,现在是时候不再把数字看作是另一个渠道,而是专注于以消费者为中心的方法来赢得人心 

In the first two decades of digital advertising, 对于寻找提高业绩方法的营销人员,建议通常是在整个客户旅程的专门活动中使用在线的卓越定位和个性化.  

这种战术优于战略的方法侧重于数字化的感知优势,以便在渠道的特定点上精确地接触到消费者. 最佳实践要求最大限度地发挥每个数字渠道在渠道中的离散作用——社会推动意识, search for conversions, email for loyalty and lifetime value, etc.  

但近年来,市场营销领域发生了巨大变化. 彩乐园dsn已成为任何营销人员工具包的重要组成部分, 但现在是时候不再把数字看作是另一种渠道了. 相反,营销人员必须专注于用以消费者为中心的方法赢得人心. 



In 2004, mobile marketing was just a sliver of digital spending. 有移动专家和代理,移动广告技术和移动发行商. Just a decade later, the internet was a mobile-first medium. Today, mobile isn’t a line item in the media plan.  

The same is true for digital. Back in 2003, 在线营销——简称互动营销——仅占全球营销投资的3%左右. Now, it represents more than half of all spending. So, digital is just… marketing now.  

广告行业的主流观点是,彩乐园dsn应该被用作一种表现渠道. However, this needs to be challenged. The truth is that digital advertising can do it all, from driving awareness to consideration and purchase intent. So, despite the breadth of digital channels available to advertisers, 重点应该放在消费者和他们的旅程上,而不是渠道本身. 

以数字媒体计划中最大的一块付费搜索为例. 从一开始,它就被贴上了漏斗底部策略的标签. But, according to Forrester, 超过90%的消费者表示他们使用搜索引擎来发现, exploring, and engaging during their purchase decision-making:  

  • 95%的受访者至少使用一个搜索渠道进行发现(顶部漏斗)  

  • 94%的受访者至少使用一个搜索渠道进行考虑/购买(中间渠道)  

  • 93%的受访者至少使用一种搜索渠道(底部漏斗) 

Social advertising, too, has been somewhat stigmatised as a discovery channel -and, yes, it’s particularly good at this. 但它也是一个全渠道,在每个阶段都有机会与客户建立联系. For example, marketers can use social’s reach to build awareness; stay top-of mind with consumers; target people with relevant propositions to nurture consideration; transact directly via social commerce; and build communities around their brand. 

And social’s engaging creative formats - such as video, carousel, and stories ads - can build brands the same way that television, print, and radio did for consumers in years past. 


Consumer-centricity should dictate media strategy 

数字是一种媒介,可以满足消费者在每个旅程阶段的需求, 但同样值得注意的是,彩乐园dsn不仅仅是一个放之四海而皆准的解决方案. 渠道和策略的正确组合取决于商业目标, target audience, and industry. A luxury fashion brand, for example, may focus on high-impact visuals and emotional storytelling, 而B2B软件公司可能会优先考虑教育内容和思想领导力. 

而且,在以消费者为中心的营销方法中,“渠道”的重要性越来越小. 这些都是关于广告如何买卖的营销结构, not where they fit in consumers’ lives. 在许多情况下,通道优先的思维可能会限制性能. When “digital” is stripped out of the equation, 从业者可以评估营销机会/策略在促进整体增长中的价值, 而不仅仅是“预定的频道X预算与去年的频道X基准相比表现如何”. 

对于营销人员来说,重点应该始终放在客户和他们的需求上. This means understanding their pain points, motivations, 以及偏好,并相应地调整营销信息. By doing so, marketers can create a seamless, 个性化的体验,建立信任和忠诚度,使用他们工具箱中的所有工具,无论在哪里都能得到最好的利用. 

The implications of this switch go beyond a label change. 这种演变要求从业者衡量彩乐园dsn的影响,而不仅仅是点击量和转化率. 虽然这些参数是必不可少的,但它们只能说明部分情况. 营销人员需要考虑他们的广告对品牌认知的长期影响, customer loyalty, and lifetime value. 


Digital can do it all - so let it 

Digital advertising has revolutionised the world of marketing, 但现在是时候不再把数字看作是另一种渠道了.  

相反,营销人员必须以消费者为中心,专注于影响力和影响. 这意味着了解客户的旅程,并利用每个渠道的优势来创建一个无缝的, personalised experience. By doing so, 营销人员可以释放彩乐园dsn的真正潜力,推动其品牌的增长. 

Written by

Michelle Urwin

VP Marketing, Skai


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